Humanities Department

Members of the Department

Name   Description  Name  Description
1. Celina Mutwiri   Geography/History,senior Head of department 10. Peter Njeri  Geography/History
2. Paul Mwaura   History 11.Eunice Kanini  CRE
3. Dinah Osango  CRE,She is also the head of Language department       12.Peter Chege   CRE/History
4. Juddy Kahunja  History           13. Mary Mucheru  Geography/History
5.Frankline Olila   Geography,He is also the head of clubs  14. Grace Kitonga   History/CRE
6. Damary Kataka   CRE   15. Colyne Lunyangi   Geography/CRE
7.Gladys Njeri  History   16. Rosaline Napoya    History
8. Cyrus Wachira   CRE,He is the Dean of studies  17. Annah Kiua     CRE 
9. Newton ambenge  Geography

 18.Mercy Kariuki

19.Gloria Cherono



Curriculum Delivery Policy

Curriculum delivery is effectively done by equipping the teachers with the approved text books and updated syllabus. The learners are issued with text books approved by the KICD. There is effective coverage of syllabus that enables good performance every year. Learning of the subjects is empowered by use of field work, field excursions and ICT integration. CRE is compulsory subject in the school but geography and History are optional. The subjects in this docket enable the students to select careers like law, Civil engineering, architecture, sociology, Theology, commerce, medicine and the like.

Testing policy
  • The learners have to take two tests and one main exam per term
  • The department gives continuous academic assessments and assignments
  • Which are meant to prepare the learners for the final exams.
  • The results are immediately analyzed and released to the students and parents.
Internal Exam Analysis

Internal exam analysis is done in the department to enable the teachers analyse the standard of the assessments, difficult items, efficiency of the curriculum delivery. Analysis enables the teachers to identify the types of learners and how to assist individual learners. Internal analysis has also enabled the teachers improve on their teaching methods and learning approaches leading to good Performance.

K.C.S.E Analysis

For the last five years the department has done well with a mean grade of B+